As a guy for your long term happiness, you need to be confident,and a big part of being able to be confident is to dress well.
1. SHOES:-
You can't talk about men's fashion unless u talk about shoes. most of mens wear sports shoes or heavy bulky shoes on all the outfits. If u wanna look classy always go for flat sole shoe, a great man once said you can tell a lot about a man through the shoe he wears.
2. PANTS:-
A lot guys are just with the pair of jeans, but pants can change the overall look it makes sexier. Often misunderstood, plagued by an overabundance of terms and names, and surprisingly difficult to find in a comfortable fit.
However, pants bring everything together even when they aren’t the star of the show.
Understanding the role of your trousers and the options you have in choosing them are the keys to comfortable, sharp-looking clothes for your lower half.
As a guy, your number 1 rule of life has to be a learning combination. you need to educate yourself, start reading more about men's fashion for eg. for classy men's look is a white shirt with blue denim or simple black t-shirt with blue denim.
The best way to show people that you are classy is to wear men's accessories mainly watches. watches conveyed a message to other people that you are a busy guy and time matters a lot for you and just like shoes they complete the look of your attire
5. mentality of dressing:-
A lot of men start dressing better in or after college so on that phase they are quite nervous to try different combinations, they won't experiment. and most importantly carry yourself with more confidence. that confidence comes when you experiments with yourself and find whats you look good and what's not
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