Ancestral and physical fitness To see the result in the gym people do what so ever they can do at their best. they follow the diet, increase their workout and lots more but genetics is also plays a huge role in fitness. Their are genes for every single thing in your body for like aerobic fitness and for muscular power ,for adptability to training and for size and shape of every single body . Where does genetics play a role? Don’t bother asking whether a trait is determined by “nature or nurture.” For any athletic trait, Roth says, the answer is both. Scientists look at it a different way: how much of the difference between you and other people is because of your genes? That’s the idea behind the concept called heritability. Heritability estimates are always sort of rough, because they depend on the population that the researchers studied. If you study aerobic fitness in just sedentary people, you’ll find that the difference between the...